The Early Career

The Early Career Section of the AMS Notices features articles by mathematicians  with advice on aspects of the profession for early career people and those who mentor them. This month the theme in the Early Career is online resources. These articles can be found in the current edition of the Notices.  All the articles that have appeared in the series so far, can be found in the Early Career Collection.
View the articles arranged by topic here.
If you like the Early Career:

 Read the Mathematics Students Resource

Register for and then read the advice advice articles in the Chronicle of Higher Ed.

Listen to the Effort Report a podcast about academia.


Some of the articles that have already appeared can be found below.

Introducing the Notices Early Career Section by Angela Gibney

Rob Lazarsfeld’s piece on keeping a mathematical journal, in time for new year’s resolutions.

Read the February 2019 EC articles about Research:

On Choosing A Thesis Advisor by Robert Lipshitz

Moving Ahead in Your Research by Ellen Eischen

Finding New Problems to Work On by Chris Woodward

Writing for Math Reviews by Kelly Jabbusch

Research with Undergrads by Amanda Folsom and Sam Payne

Read the March 2019 EC articles on Writing:

Outward Facing Mathematics: A Pitch by Jordan Ellenberg

Preparing Your Results For Publication by Julia Hartmann

The Art of Writing Introductions by John Etnyre

To Write or Not to Write a Book, and When?  by Joe Silverman

Writing, and Reading, Referee reports by Arend Bayer

Read the April 2019 EC articles about Math Careers in Business Industry and Government:

Transitioning from academia to industry?  Here is some advice by Carol Fan

BIG Career developments for Math grad students  by Richard Laugesen, Rachel Levy, and Fadil Santosa

Careers at National Laboratories by Emilie Purvine

Careers in financial engineering by Jim Gatheral and Dan Stefanica

From research mathematician to quantitative researcher by Ursula Gritsch and Melissa Yeung

Industrial research in applied statistics by Taylor Arnold

It’s a BIG world by Jesse Johnson

One year in Washington opens up a whole new world of possibility by

Jennifer Pearl

Read the May 2019 EC articles on Planning For Summer Break:

Organizing Programs and Workshops at Math Institutes by Brendan Hassett

You Should Organize Conferences and Workshops by Izzet Coskun

Make a Difference This Summer by Melinda Lanius, Claire Merriman and Simone Sisneros-Thiry

Summer Break: Go Explore the Opportunities by Natalie Hobson

Read the Early Career JUNE/JULY 2019 issue in the Notices (the theme applying for jobs and applying for funding) or see the articles below:

Cultivating an Online Presence for the Academic Job Market by Holly Krieger

Interested in Applying to a Liberal Arts Institution? Perspectives from Reva Kasman, Julie Rana, and Chad Topaz

by Linda Chen

Applying for Grants: Why and How?
by John Etnyre

Read the August 2019 EC articles about teaching in the Notices or see them all below:

Why do we teach? by Colin Adams

Thoughts on helping students to feel included by Jessica Sidman

Teaching at a community college by Jasmine Ng

On the job teacher training by Doris Gluck and Herman Gluck

Lessons learned mentoring senior theses by Jennifer Bowen

Inquiry based learning by Hannah Bennett

Read the September 2019 EC articles about mentoring online in the AMS Notices, or here:

Developing relationships with experts by Dawei Chen

Adventures in mentoring by Bernd Sturmfels

Mentoring graduate students: Some personal thoughts by Ken Ono

Some Advice for Early-Career Graduate Students by Ken Ribet

Working with high school mathematics competitions and mentoring students by George Berzsenyi

Read the articles from the October 2019 EC articles on work-life balance in the online version of the AMS Notices, or see them here:

The two body problem by Diane Maclagan

A nonacademic career track and the balance it brings by Kelly B. Yancey

Congratulations! You have tenure! Now what? by Jessica Sidman

Anxiety attacked me but I survived by Ken Millett

Should I quit mathematics? by Francis Su

Read the November 2019 EC articles on planning ahead for the joint meetings:

Giving good talks by Satayan L. Devadoss

10 Ancient rules for giving a conference/seminar/research talk in mathematics (A new translation from the original cuneiform stone tablets) by A. Kercheval

Advice for the campus interview by Amanda Folsom and Alex Kontorovich

Tips for the Employment Center by Katelynn D. Kochalski

Embracing the job search by Nicola Tarasca

Getting involved in your MAA section by Pamela Richardson

Read the December 2019 EC Articles on good ideas:

Teaching college-level mathematics in prisons by Annie Raymond

How to organize a graduate workshop by Rohini Ramadas and Isabel Vogt

Organizing a summer school by Ben Elias and Nicholas Proudfoot

Organizing a graduate workshop in mathematics by Daniel Thompson

Broadening the horizons of teaching and diversity in mathematics departments by Marissa Kawehi Loving, Vanessa Rivera-Quiñones, Simone Sisneros-Thiry, and Yang (Sunny) Xiao

Read our January 2020 EC articles:

Looking back on the first year and forward to the next EC by Angela Gibney

Finding your reward by Skip Garibaldi

Read our February 2020 EC articles on communicating mathematics:

Math in under a minute by Izzet Coskun

Communicating math using social media by David Richeson

Using the arXiv by Greg Kuperberg

Where to submit your paper by Chuck Weibel

Journal refereeing: Merge with the collective mind by Ken Ono and Robert Schneider

Design and construction of mathematical posters by Anya Michaelsen

Press for the Early Career

An article about the new Notices, with mention of the Early Career Section.

Read our March 2020 EC articles on dealing with challenging issues:

Promoting a healthy work environment by Sarah Crown Rundell

Self-doubt and imposter syndrome by Brian Lehmann

When and how to say NO by Judy Walker

BAD teaching evaluations — What now? by Harriet Pollatsek

Handling negative student evaluations by Deanna Haunsperger

What do I do when my paper or grant is rejected by Julia Bergner

“We regret to inform you…”, what to do if your paper or grant is rejected by Karen Lange


Read our April 2020 EC articles on Jobs in Business, Industry, and Government

1. Enjoying Graduate School by Karen E. Smith
2. Preparing Doctoral Students for a BIG Career Path by Lisa G. Davis
3. Opening the Black Box: Applying for Government Jobs by Jennifer Pearl
4. Early Career Paths at Los Alamos National Laboratory by Mary Frances Dorn, Daniel O’Malley, Harsha Nagarajan, Navamita Ray, and Andrew Sornborger
5. Becoming a Statistician by Abbe Herzig

Read our May 2020 EC articles on Research

1. How to Balance Research with Everything Else We Have to Do by David Zureick-Brown
2. How to Read a Research Paper by Matt Baker
3. Changing Focus by Mark Andrea de Cataldo
4. Mentoring Undergraduate Research: Advanced Planning Tools and Tips by Courtney R. Gibbons

Read our June/July 2020 EC articles on the academic job market

1. Preparing for the Tenure-Track Job Market by Andrew Obus                                                                     2. Preparing for a Career at a Liberal Arts College by Julianna Tymoczko                                                3. What to Expect at a Large Public Research University by David Jensen and Christopher Manon     4. How to Prepare for a Career at a Teaching-Oriented Institution by Sarah Crown Rundell.                 5. Teaching-Focused Jobs—How to Find What Suits You Best by Sarah Mayes-Tang                            6. Non-Tenure-Track Teaching Faculty in Research Departments by Hanna Bennett and Rebecca Swanson

Read our June/July 2020 EC articles on becoming a mathematician:

1. Hitting the Wall by Laura Taalman

2. The Unnecessary Struggle of Self-Mandated Isolation by Alicia Prieto-Langarica

3. A View of Mathematics from Behind the Veil by Robin Wilson

4. A Close Call: How a Near Failure Propelled Me to Succeed by Terence Tao

5. My Journey from Slippery Rock to Duluth by Joseph Gallian

Read our September 2020 EC articles on going online:

1. A Guide to Organizing a Virtual Conference by Jarod Alper, Daniel Litt, and Isabel Vogt

2. How Do I…Develop an Online Research Seminar? by Henry Adams

3. No Going Back, Only Going Digital by Chloe Urbanski Wawrzyniak

4. Larger Lessons of a Pandemic: Anchored in Pixar Films by Jeneva Clark

5. Turning a Zoom Talk into a Live Talk by François Bergeron

Read our October 2020 EC articles about working with students 


1. PhD Advising before Tenure by Dan Abramovich

2. Casual Mentorship and the Strength of Weak Ties by Natalia M. Pacheco-Tallaj

3. Creating Your Own Teaching Community by Robin Pemantle

4. Math as Social Endeavor: Groupwork and the Blackboard by Steven Frankel and Matt Kerr

5. Thoughts on Being a Teaching Mentor by Reva Kasman

6. Undergraduate Research: Publish or Flourish by Joel S. Foisy

Read our November 2020 EC issue about going on the academic job market (in a global pandemic):

1. Actionable Advice for Early Career Mathematicians on the Academic Job Market by Kristin DeVleming

2. Looking Further Afield by Martin Guest

3. Applying for Jobs Outside the US by Daniel J. Thompson

4. Postdocs at European Universities. A Brief Guide by Federico Binda and Chiara Damiolini

5. Giving a Job Talk by Brian Lehmann

6. Mentoring for Tenure-Track Interviews by Anthony Várilly-Alvarado

7. Keeping Perspective While on the Job Search by Rafe Jones


Read the articles in our December 2020 Good Ideas issue:


1. Lessons Learned from the Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics Program by Dan Zaharopol

2. Widening the Pipeline by Julia Hartmann and Mona Merling

3. Camp Euclid: A Research Experience for Youth—in a Virtual Environment by Juliette Benitez, Nickolas A. Castro, and David T. Gay

4. Math SWAGGER: Building a Virtual Community. Student Authors: Alonso, Camero, Castillo, Ulysse, Uribe, & Vindas Meléndez. Organizer Authors: Diaz-Lopez, Harris, Rivera Quiñones, Sordo Vieira, Winger, & Young

5. Organize a Laid-Back Conference in the Rocky Mountains that Participants Want to Return to Year after Year by Danny Krashen and Kelly McKinnie

6. How to Transition a Summer Math Camp to a Virtual Experience by Gabrielle Cottraux and Lindsay Augustyn

7. Targeted High School Math Competitions: Girls in Math at Yale by Elaine Hou and Noah Kravitz


Read the January 2021 issue on your Early Career in a global pandemic:


1. Your Early Career and the Pandemic by Angela Gibney

2. How to Have Lunch in the Time of COVID-19 by Kristin DeVleming and Andrew Kobin

3. Unconscious Bias in Academic Mathematics by Danny Krashen

4. Rethinking the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Light of COVID-19 by Della Dumbaugh and William McCallum

5. Building Equity-minded Online Programs by Justin Lanier and Marissa Kawehi Loving


Read the February 2021 issue about opportunities for diversity in the classroom:


1. An Opportunity for Inclusion: A Course in the History of Mathematics that Includes Mathematical Contributions of Non-European Culture by Candice Price

2. Intersections of Mathematics and Society by Ranthony A. C. Edmonds and John H. Johnson Jr.

3. Designing a Course Connecting Mathematics with Latin American Cultures by Colleen Duffy

4. I Am a Black Mathematician by John Urschel


5. Othering and Such Climatic Joy Killers by Arlie O. Petters


Read the March 2021 issue about expanding your teaching repertoire:

1. Ask Good Questions: Becoming a Teacher of Statistics by Stacey Hancock

2. Contributing to Open Education: Why, How, and What I am Doing by Mine Dogucu

3. Creating an Actuarial Option for Students is Within your Reach by Susan Staples

4. Trust Your Instincts When Opportunity Arises by Noah Giansiracusa

5. When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Mathematicians by Kira Adaricheva, Ben Brubaker, Pat Devlin, Steven J. Miller, Vic Reiner, Alexandra Seceleanu, Adam Sheffer, and Yunus Zeytuncu

 Read our April 2021 EC articles about jobs in Business, Industry, and Government:

1. A Mathematician’s Field Guide to Jobs in the Finance Industry: Practical Advice for Those Far from Home by Thomas Fleming

by Thomas Fleming

2. A Mathematical Experience in a BIG Career by Kelly B. Yancey

by Kelly B. Yancey

3. Careers in Classified Research Mathematics by David Saltman by David Saltman

4. How to Start Your Story in Data Science  by Joe Tenini


Read our May 2021 EC articles about  research:

1. How to Proceed in Mathematics by Skip Garibaldi and Daniel M. Gordon

2. Keeping a Problem List by Alexander Perry

3. My Research is DUE Tomorrow! by Elizabeth Milićević

4. Time Management by Valentijn Karemaker

5. How I Learned to Research Like the Incredible Hulk (or I’m Always Angry) by Robert W. Vallin


 Read our June/July 2021 EC articles about Communicating mathematics:

 1. How to Tell a Good Mathematical Story by Igor Pak

2. Collaborative Writing: What, How, and Why by Margaret Symington and Daniele Sepe

3. Practical Suggestions for Mathematical Writing by Renee Bell, Borys Kadets, Padmavathi Srinivasan, Nicholas Triantafillou, and Isabel Vogt

4. Organizing a Short Online Math Program Successfully by Daniel Glasscock, Claire Merriman, Donald Robertson, and Clifford Smyth

5. Virtual Workshop on Ricci and Scalar Curvature Draws Unexpected Attendance by Christina Sormani

6. The International Congress on Mathematical Software Goes Virtual: Experience from Organizing a Online Conference in Times of COVID-19 by Michael Joswig and Timo de Wolff

 Read our August 2021 EC articles about applying for grants:

1. Why Apply for Grants? by Martin Olsson 

2. Finding Funding by Susan Morey

3. Communicating Mathematics in a Research Proposal by Emily Clader 

4. What is Broader Impact? by Max Lieblich 

 Read our September 2021 EC articles with the themes advice from our advisor and getting ready for the academic job market:

1. Lessons from Our Advisor by Christopher Hacon and Jessica Sidman

2. Advice for the Virtual Job Market by Kristin DeVleming

3. Applying for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant Professorship by Dick Canary

4. Letters of Recommendation for a Liberal Arts Position by Peter McNamara

5. How to Craft a Research Statement for a Position at a Liberal Arts College by Jennifer Schaefer

Read our October 2021 articles about online resources:


1. How to Tutorial-a-thon by Henry Adams, Hana Dal Poz Kouřimská, Teresa Heiss, Sarah Percival, and Lori Ziegelmeier

2. The OEIS: A Fingerprint File for Mathematics by N. J. A. Sloane

3. Welcome to MathOverflow! by David E Speyer

4. The L”>-Functions and Modular Forms Database by John E. Cremona, John W. Jones, Andrew V. Sutherland, and John Voight

5. Collaborative Calculation in Your Web Browser by William Stein

6. Curating Online Mathematical Resources by Pieter Belmans


Read our November 2021 articles featuring advice from our advisor and articles on the topic of publishing


1. Advice from Our Advisor: Benson Farb coordinated by Bena Tshishiku

2. Thinking About Abstracts by Asher Auel

3. What Happens to Your Paper, After It Is Submitted? by Chuck Weibel

4. Keep the Momentum Going: Planning for Publishing While on Parental Leave by Yumeng Ou

5. Self-Publishing & Mathematics by Robert Ghrist


Read our December 2021 articles with Good Ideas:

1. Summer Research in Mathematics at MSRI by Kuei-Nuan Lin and Augustine O’Keefe

2. IMA Math-to-Industry Boot Camp by Fadil Santosa and Daniel Spirn

3. Pset Partners by Andrew V. Sutherland

4. How to Run a Math Group by Tom Gannon

5. Some Advice on Filing a Harassment Complaint by Jesse Leo Kass

6. Mathematics and Dance: Notes from an Emerging Interaction by Reggie Wilson and Jesse Wolfson

If you like the Early Career:


Read the Mathematics Students Resource

Listen to the Effort Report a podcast about academia (thank you
Diana Gillooly at Cambridge University Press, for the recommendation)


How early career setbacks can set you up for success (from the New York Times)


Mentions of the EC:

A nod from Igor Pak‘s awesome blog.